Saturday, September 24, 2011

Award-Winning Personality

Created with "Paint"

Today I went to Sears to return an iPod radio, as it was not compatible with the iPod Touch in my possession. (Apparently it stated such on the box when I bought it...but really, who actually reads that stuff?) I walk in the store, travel up the escalator, and get behind a lady who is making a purchase. Once she left, I walked up.

I had just gotten through the words, "Hi, I would like to make a return. This isn't compatible with my iPod..." when another, older women walked up. Her chin was strutted up and eyes turned downwards on me. Her shoulders were raised and hips were swinging with confidence. Shooting me a look—similar to how one would view an ant—she informed the man at the check-out, "Excuse me, I was first. I was waiting where people are supposed to be in line.

I could not believe her. She thought you were supposed to wait where nobody was instead of where someone was checking out? And she thought I was the idiot? How dense can you be?

"Well, you know this is a line too," I politely informed her.

She pushed her way in front of me and dramatically slammed her items down on the checkout counter. Continuing to view me like a bug, she said, "Well, the line next to here is the one you're meant  to use."

Perhaps she believed she was enlightening me with her wisdom. Perhaps she thought I would see her as an intelligent woman. Perhaps she thought I would see the error of my ways and aspire to be as genius as her. Perhaps she thought I would clap and give her a trophy for being such a smart person. I just thought she needed to be taught some common sense and manors.

I wasn't the only one who realized this. Sensing my agitation with her self-righteousness, the check-out man informed me that I could go over to electronics and return my item. I thanked him and left, my faith in society decreasing remarkably.

1 comment:

  1. That was a horrid woman... And no you're not a bug even if someone looks at you like that. And, bugs are awesome :)
